Secure Online Donation Form

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We invite you to support the well-being in law movement by supporting the Institute for Well-Being in Law. A significant number of lawyers struggle with mental health and alcohol use disorders and many others, while not dealing with a diagnosable illness, still are not fully well. The result is that many lawyers are unable to be their best for their clients, colleagues, communities, and families. 

Our profession can do better—and members of our profession can experience greater well-being as a result! Your donation allows us to drive a culture shift in the profession through advocacy, research, and education so that well-being becomes a core centerpiece of professional success. Please join our movement today by making a contribution!

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Campaign/Fund * IWIL Legacy Partner Donor
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Donor Information
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Billing Information
[ Click here if billing address is the same as donor address ]
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Thank you to our generous Founders & Sponsors

Institute for Well-Being in Law
1250 Englewood Drive
Lake Oswego, OR 97034 USA