Join us for the Institute for Well-Being in Law's Annual Conference on January 21-22

This event is designed specifically for well-being in law professionals, legal professionals, experts, and advocates. This virtual event will be hosted on Zoom Events and will explore evidence-based and innovative strategies for fostering well-being in the legal community.

The Institute for Well-Being in Law (IWIL) is committed to transforming the legal profession’s approach to well-being. Through advocacy, research, education, and stakeholder partnerships, IWIL leads a culture shift that establishes well-being as a core centerpiece of professional success.

This year's conference features a keynote each day and a mix of tracked concurrent sessions that include individual well-being, organizational well-being, state-level well-being programs, and teaching and promoting well-being in law school. Attendees will engage with expert speakers and participate in interactive workshops and insightful panel discussions, gaining valuable insights into the latest research on well-being in law.

Registration is free for Partners, making this a unique opportunity to connect with peers, share experiences, and collaborate on initiatives that promote mental health and well-being in the legal profession. Together, we can create a supportive environment where all legal professionals can thrive.

Don’t miss your chance to be part of this important conversation and take actionable steps toward transforming the legal culture for the better. For more details and to register, click the Register button above.


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If you have joined as an IWIL Partner or have a Staff * or Subscriber account please sign in.

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My Workplace is a partner

If your firm/workplace is an IWIL Partner, please contact your well-being leader for a log-in to receive complimentary conference registration or email IWIL Admins for assistance.

Email Admins

Make an account!

If you would like to become a Partner, Subscriber, or receive a staff * or Student discount, please create an account.


* Staff means you are a staff member of a non-profit organization, or State Bar, or State Task Force or LAP or faculty/staff at a law school.


If you want to register without receiving discounts click here.


Thank you to our generous Founders & Sponsors

Institute for Well-Being in Law
1250 Englewood Drive
Lake Oswego, OR 97034 USA